Stamp on the ground << Lively

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You stole off the stage

Bacheca\\Non sai quale lato di me è più oscuro.
211297/6/2012, 14:53
In: Squirrel;Skills {my world in a latter}
By: lagertha»

Bruises cover your arms,

Spam\\Ero solo un'altra ragazza sola al bar.
556319/6/2013, 16:19
In: Gossip Girl Lovers
By: whatthehell`

F a l l F o r Y o u\\
But hold your breathe because tonight will be the night that I will fall for you over again don't make me change my mind or I won't live to see another day
In: ----
By: ----

Buy a dress and go to home

Skin\\I soliti amici i soliti visi, i soliti sorrisi.
101531/10/2011, 22:17
In: Take a dress?
By: ðiana

Won't trust me

Works\\La voglia di giocare con le bambole è finita.
23910/8/2011, 14:15
In: Color\\3
By: Aria*

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to l o v e is to d e s t r o y skinned by zärya and daydræm
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